National Domestic Workers Alliance Conference

Jun 6, 2008 | 10:30am
James Room
4th Floor Barnard Hall

Domestic Workers

This June, BCRW joins Domestic Workers United in their educational efforts on fair labor standards for domestic workers in New York, including a living wage, basic benefits and health care. The first National Domestic Workers Alliance conference brings organizations from across the country together to discuss how best to protect the 200,000 domestic workers in New York, including a New York Domestic Workers Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is but one step in a long path towards the social, economic and political change needed to address the root causes for the conditions facing domestic workers today, including nannies, housekeepers, elder caregivers and anyone working in the private home for individual heads of households. The conference seeks to bring recognition to the domestic workforce as a real workforce (rather than dismissing domestic work as “women’s work”), address the generations of unjust exclusions from basic labor laws, and account for the reality of the isolated, vulnerable working conditions that have been the breeding ground for some of the most egregious labor violations in the history of this country.