Class Presentation (17%)

Each of you will give a 10-15 minute researched oral presentation that will include at least one piece of supplemental material (preferably audio-visual)—a piece of music, a production photo, a piece of art, a video clip, a short piece of source material, etc.

After you give a well-organized presentation (focusing on ONE of the following: historical background, cultural context and /or critical scholarship), start the class discussion (approximately 15 minutes) with four questions that cite passages in the text and invite close analysis. The questions don’t all have to focus on the supplemental material.  Give the questions and passages on the handout. Also include any bibliography for source materials.

Students working in pairs: You must both speak. You may use one piece of supplemental material between the two of you, but you should submit at least six questions and will conduct discussion for about 30 minutes.  Afterwards, I would like a brief paragraph from each of you describing your work process.

PLEASE NOTE: If you plan to use the class’ AV equipment, please come to class early and have everything set up (i.e. tested) by the time I’ve finished announcements.

SCHEDULE (“&” means that you are working together)

19 September:  Philosophical Underpinnings  ELIZABETH, ANNA BELLA    

26  September: a new genre BRIANNA

3 October:  An artist self-defines  CHARISTA, MAKEEN

17 October:  The Woman Artist:  KATHERINE                      

24 October:  Feminism and Publishing   ELIANA       

31 October:  Speaking in Tongues: Third World/Women of Color/Transnational Feminisms  ANIMATOU

15 November:  Black Sexism and Black Backlash SAMAHA, CHELSEA

21 November:  Cooking and Culture      TAYLOR