April 11: Workshopping and Web design (update)

Michelle's Zine cover!

Michelle’s Zine cover!

How do you like this quote? Michelle recalled Zake saying this during our first meeting  and I suggested that we adopt it as the banner quote for the site if we want one. We had multiple people missing last week, so do speak up in class on Monday.

We are meeting in the Digital Lab in Barnard Hall.  Unfortunately, Steven Fullwood has to leave the session for a meeting at the Schomburg at 3:30.  To make sure we maximize his input, we are going to have to rearrange things and be a little more rigid about time, so I’ll unfortunately have to ask the presenters to be quick and I’ll move discussion on after about 10 minutes. (see schedule at the end of this post.

Business: I’ve put a hard drive of materials scanned created at ICP in the Barnard archive. Please feel free to use and save any materials there, but do not remove the hard drive from the archive. Also, if you are editing an image scanned by another person, make a copy and then edit.

I’ve started a Google Doc for the website’s opening/introduction (“About”)with a few ideas thrown in. Please feel free to write & comment (it helps to use the comment function if responding to something already written there). Do be mindful about erasing other people’s work.

As discussed last week, here is a list of materials I’ve checked out for various members of the class. That can be a guide to the materials scanned at ICP, but some folks have done additional scanning in the actual archive, so it makes sense to ask your classmates if you are looking for specific images.


Presenters prepare to share your wireframe and project achievements/concerns/questions.

Fill out the website survey distributed last week (check your email).

Read the ‘fair use’ powerpoint supplied by Steven Fullwood.

Read this week’s “Reading Zake” post.

Put any notes / thoughts about the website opening, introduction in the shared google doc.

ADDED: I also have the final reflection assignment should you wish to take a look:


2-3:30         Workshopping projects by Nicole Hine, Michelle Loo, Nadia Mbonde, Yemi Olurunwunmi, Sophia Richards, Clarke Wheeler

3:30-3:50:  discussion of Amanda Clarke’s “reading Zake” post (sorry Amanda)

4:00:            Discussion of Barnard Teaches permission forms (Sarah); discussion of final reflection & transparency statement (Prof Hall) that I will ask you to turn in with the reflection.

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  1. Amanda
    Prof Hall, I am posting reading Zake next week (4/18)

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