April 25: Class schedule

Dear class, tomorrow after we discuss Gabby’s post, we will again be working with the new Word Press theme. Sarah will reinforce some points covered last week and go over the slideshow plugin which a significant portion of you will need.   She’s also made a “tips”post for you.

Please note the Production schedule  in the upper right corner of the blog. Brad suggests that we/you start editing and uploading photos into WordPress  even if you don’t quite have your eventual layout/flow established, so I have listed that as a task for the day in addition to our production meetings, etc.

After Sarah’s introduction, the two teams will meet while others work independently. If you want input into design and/or text, pick a team! If you have design or text concerns (see the list on the production schedule), NOW is the time to speak up!

Design team meeting : SG, KFH, Amanda, Danielle, Melissa

Text team meeting–BT, TR, Dania, Nicole, Sophia

–Remember that the class will be filmed /photographed–this will be used to promote both Barnard Teaches AND our acquisition of Zake’s archive. Bring in your response to the student agreement form (attached to the courseworks notice).

–I know you are sick of forms, but I must ask you to answer just a few more questions below so that I can try to plan our final event.

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