Please choose a class presentation date!

I need you to fill out two polls, hopefully by Thursday at noon. 

1). Class presentation (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.:  This poll will help me schedule the class presentations. I need you to rank FIVE DIFFERENT options. I will take options off the poll as dates fill up, so it is in your interests to fill it out early. There will be 2-3 presentations per session. You can find the presentation instructions here.  The poll is also here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

2). The  doodle poll (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to schedule our Scalar training (which our digital specialists would like to do in October). The  listed days/times are 2 hour segments on Mondays or Fridays in October. You don’t need to do any reading for this session, although I will probably ask you to explore the Scalar website a bit. The poll is also here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

EDIT: I’m sensing some people are reluctant to be the first to present.  I am very understanding of the challenges of being the first and tend to be very lenient–and remember that your outside object doesn’t have to be from the archive. People have found amazing things on vimeo, YouTube –even from their parent’s homes!

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