New York City in the World

Panelists include Ana Amuchástegui, Sealing Cheng, Louis Graham, Kerwin Kaye, Mark Padilla, and Mario Pecheny. Moderated by Elizabeth Bernstein.

This panel was part of the For the Public Good Conference, held on March 28, 2014 at Barnard College, co-sponsored by For the Public Good.

By foregrounding the operations of gender and sexuality that are contained within seemingly discrete social phenomena, including homelessness and addiction, healthcare and poverty, gentrification and policing, we can enhance our capacity to understand and to address them. Comprising scholars from diverse academic backgrounds and regions, this panel illuminates the connections between global political economy and the politics of gender and sexuality—connecting contemporary social problems in New York City to social changes occurring elsewhere, from bankruptcy in Detroit to the latest cycles of boom and bust in Buenos Aires. By so doing, we hope to come to a better understanding of the social dynamics that create inequality and insecurity, as well as the possibilities that exist for creating social change.

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