The Well Told Story: Carrie Mae Weems

by Dania 0 Comments

Carrie Mae Weems’ website is a combination of her artistic mediums-photography and the digital representations of each is also represented difficulty. The website started with an interactive timeline that showcase her personal and professional life-her introduction of photography, her exhibitions, her major life events.

What stands out is the movement that goes along with the visuals and the textual. Due to this the audience is encouraged to engage with her life and project in a very accessible way. The events and projects glide over the page and I envision to look similarly to it.

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The layouts are very simple yet they provide an array of information.

In addition, one of my now favorite photo series , The Kitchen Table Series 1990, though the photos are not paired with text it tells a very clear but incredible story of love, family, bodies,  movements, girlhood and motherhood.

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