TIPS: Recommended Image Sizes and Plugin Tutorials

This post has recommended image sizes as well as tutorials on some of the plug-ins for for the Digital Shange Projects website. For more general information, check out my previous post, below.

TIP: Posting to the Digital Shange Projects site

Recommended Images Sizes

Thumbnail​ image​—

  • Width: 700 pixels
  • Height: 393 pixels
  • 72 ppi (pixels per inch)
  • Reminder: post thumbnails for your Portfolio item by using “Featured Image”

Large image/s—

  • Max width: 1200 pixels
  • 72 ppi
  • Note: if you are posting the image at the top of your Portfolio item, I recommend using the following size: 1200×600 pixels


1. To add images with pages that flip, use Booklets.

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Copy/paste the “shortcode” to add your Booklet to your Portfolio item.

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You can choose whether your Booklet has a light or dark background.

Short list of terms:

  • Padding: the margin around your images.
  • Flip speed: how fast your pages flip
  • Automatic flip delay: how long it takes for the page to flip (set to 0 if you don’t want the pages to flip automatically)
  • Show thumbnails: choose “Yes” to show all of you images at the bottom of your Booklet; choose “No” to hide the thumbnails.
  • Booklet cover behavior: add a cover to your Booklet or by choosing “Closable – Centered” or “Closable – Either side.” If you don’t want a cover, choose “Opened always”

 2. To add images in a standard slider, use Soliloquy Slider.

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Soliloquy Slider tutorial:

3. To create have more control over the layout of your Portfolio item, use Visual Composer.
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Visual Composer tutorial:

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