Last week, I attended the Queer Dreams and Non-Profit Blues conference held by BCRW and the Center for Gender and Sexuality Law at Columbia Law School. As I moved from packed room to packed room, I was fortunate to feel comfortable in a space that reminded me of the college classrooms I left behind only a few months ago. Not every conference-goer had that privilege though (as we were rightly reminded, for example, by Reina Gossett that trans* people are still considered disposable, even in queer spaces) and not everyone could take away the messages that developed in that ivory tower space. On Twitter especially, there was a constant question: how do we make these #queerdreams more accessible to folks not in those rooms or who understand these ideas in really different terms? Keeping that in mind, here are some of my takeaways from the conference.
A word cloud of terms Jordan tweeted during the Queer Dreams, Nonprofit Blues conference
Violence and Anti-Violence: A Movement?
LGBT Anti-Violence Work and Movement Infrastructure