Women and Militarism

Exhibit curated by Lucy Trainor, ’07
Published Spring 2008

Women’s movements and anti-militarism movements have a long history of collaboration in the U.S. and worldwide. This exhibit from the BCRW collection highlights some of the linkages between women’s activism and protest against war and militarism from a wide range of contexts—from anti-nuclear activism in the United Kingdom, to movements for peace and human rights in El Salvador, to freedom from U.S. imperialism in Japan and many more global efforts to draw attention to and organize around anti-war and antimilitarism causes. From these documents, which provide a glimpse into over 20 years of activism, from 1972-1995, we can see that movements directed by women—which don’t necessarily always define themselves as “feminist” movements—have often been at the forefront of broader citizen-led actions for peace and justice.

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