Sex, Power and Speaking Truth: Anita Hill 20 Years Later

Oct 15, 2011 | 10:00am
Hunter College
Co-Sponsors: Hunter College and VDay

Visit the conference website for additional information and online registration.

Sex, Power and Speaking Truth: Anita Hill 20 Years Later will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2011 at Hunter College in New York City. The conference will bring together three generations to witness, respond and analyze present day realities in law, politics, the confluence of race, class and gender, the persistent questioning of women’s credibility, issues of black masculinity and current cases of sexual harassment. The conference will also include highlights from First Run Feature’s film about Anita Hill’s testimony, Sex and Justice.

Keynote Address: Anita Hill, Brandeis University

Session I
Witnesses: What Happened?

Maureen Dowd, The New York Times
Lani Guinier, Harvard Law School
Charles Ogletree, Harvard Law School
Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, NY-28
Vita Rabinowitz, Hunter College
Jamia Wilson, Women’s Media Center
Moderator: Judith Resnik, Yale Law School

Session II
Responders: What Does Anita Hill Mean to You?

Rha Goddess, Move the Crowd
Melissa Harris-Perry, Tulane University
Emily May, Hollaback!
Ai-jen Poo, National Domestic Workers Alliance
Joanne N. Smith, Girls for Gender Equity
Moderator: Maria Hinojosa, NPR/PBS

Session III
Analysis: What Have We Learned in 20 Years and What Comes Next?

Devon Carbado, UCLA School of Law
Kimberlé Crenshaw, UCLA School of Law
Gloria Steinem, Ms. Magazine
Virginia Valian, Hunter College
Patricia J. Williams, Columbia University
Julie Zeilinger, FBomb
Moderator: Kathleen Peratis, Outten & Golden LLP

Evening Gala:
Honoring Anita Hill: Why We Need to Speak Truth to Power

A performance curated by Eve Ensler and including original works written by:
Edwidge Danticat
Asali Devan Ecclesiastes
Eve Ensler
Lisa Kron
Lynn Nottage
Mary Oliver
Kevin Powell
Anita Hope Smith