Digital Feminist Archives
This archive offers a snapshot of feminist history in the 1960s and 1970s, the institutionalization of women’s centers and women’s studies as an academic discipline, and feminist struggles taking place at colleges and universities, in healthcare and social service centers, in political organizations and neighborhood meetings across the country.
From the Collection
1968 and Its Afterlives
1968 and Its Afterlives is a curatorial collaboration between staff and research assistants at the Barnard Center for Research on Women, the Barnard Library and Archives, and members of Barnard Alumni Class of 1971. Its aim is to illustrate how the flashpoint of student and popular uprisings and politicization on issues of social justice were not discrete events, but instead reflect an important convergence of activist movements with broad social reverberations that continue shape our current political moment.
Read MoreGender and Sexuality in Higher Education
With an emphasis on women's higher education, this exhibit highlights issues including sexual harassment, coming out, and the development of women's studies, the following documents demonstrate how sexuality and gender have played key roles in shaping life on campuses and in classrooms across the nation.
Read MoreLesbian Activism from 1970s to the Present
This exhibit, drawing from BCRW's extensive collection of LGBT-related materials, showcases just a few documents from a long history of struggle and social change. The following articles, photographs, zines, and pamphlets shed light on the many transformations and incarnations of lesbian activism over the past 40 years.
Read MoreWomen in the Workforce
From the social issues concerning sexual harassment to the policy reforms surrounding the wage gap, this exhibit showcases a variety of materials from the BCRW collection that relate to women's participation in the workforce.
Read MoreWomen and Militarism
This exhibit provides a glimpse into over 20 years of anti-war activism from 1972-1995, highlighting the ways that movements directed by women—which don't necessarily always define themselves as "feminist" movements—have often been at the forefront of broader citizen-led actions for peace and justice.
Read MoreWomen and Religion
The documents included here—organizational newsletters, pamphlets, informational studies, journals, and resolutions—reveal diverse approaches to women's involvement in various denominations of Christianity and Judaism, as well as the influence of religion and spirituality in asserting women's rights throughout the U.S. and abroad.
Read MoreWomen and Sexual Health
The following documents, which date from 1970-1999, demonstrate how women's organizations have worked to distribute much-needed information about women's sexual health. Addressing such issues as safe sex, teenage pregnancy, lesbians and AIDS, advancements in reproductive technologies, contraceptives, and reproductive health, these publications have empowered women to make well-informed decisions about their own bodies.
Read MoreWomen’s Prison Activism
The documents shown here, reflecting almost 30 years of advocating for incarcerated women, are the work of the organizations and individuals who organized against the prison industrial complex.
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