What You Can Do to Stop the War Against Women

There is a war against women raging across the country. Presidential candidates are speaking out in opposition to basic contraception. Anti-woman legislators around the country are trying to put more and more barriers between women and their reproductive rights. Wisconsin’s governor just pushed through a repeal of his state’s Equal Pay Enforcement Act. Even here in New York, we are having difficulty pushing a pro-woman agenda forward.
Join us for an evening of basic training to learn what you can do to stop the War Against Women. Speakers include:
- Senator Liz Krueger: New York State Senator, 26th Senate District
- Jessica Valenti: Author and Founder, Feministing.com
- Joe Rollins: Associate Professor and Executive Officer, The Graduate Center of CUNY and Queens College
- Jamia Wilson: Vice-President of Programs, Women’s Media Center
- Amy Richards: Author and Feminist Activst, Soapboxinc.com
To RSVP and for additional information, please contact Susannah Pasquantonio at spasquantonio@gmail.com or 212-490-9535. Download the flyer for this event (PDF).
This event is sponsored by Senator Liz Krueger and The Center for the Study of Women in Society at CUNY Graduate Center. Co-sponsors for this event include the Barnard Center for Research on Women; B’nai Jeshurun; Community Board 6; Congregregation Rodeph Sholom; Eleanor’s Legacy; Family Planning Advocates of NYS; The Feminist Press at CUNY; Gender Studies Program at Hunter College; Girls for Gender Equity (GGE); Gray Panthers – NY; Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ); NARAL ProChoice – NY; National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health; National Organization for Women-NYC; The New York Women’s Bar Association; New York Women’s Foundation; Raising Women’s Voices; Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice; Sarah Lawrence College Women’s History Graduate Program; The Shirley Chisholm Project of Brooklyn Women’s Activism 1945-Present; Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College; The Women’s Center at John Jay College; Women’s City Club of New York; Women’s Media Center; Manhattan Borough President, Scott Stringer; NYC Council Speaker, Christine Quinn; Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney; Congressman Jerrold Nadler; Senator Tom Duane; Senator Jose Serrano; Assemblymember Richard N. Gottfried; Assemblymember Micah Kellner; Assemblymember Dan Quart; Councilmember Dan Gurodnick; and Councilmember Jessica Lappin.