Queer Asylum: ‘This is Who I Am’ – LGBTQI+ Experiences of the UK Asylum Process

Oct 14, 2020 | 4:00pm
Tune in online
Co-Sponsors: Barnard Digital Humanities Center

Presented by the Barnard Digital Humanities Center

“Then they separated us. We tried to say no, we applied for asylum as a couple. They say we don’t have any civil evidence that we are a couple. And we’re like – how can we show you any civil evidence if homosexuality is forbidden in my country?”

In this long 2020 moment, as the world continues to show us its most absurd and even cruel face, we commit to doing the work of creating and sustaining more just, more inclusive, and more empathetic spaces of learning and exchange. Please join us at the Barnard Digital Humanities Center for the first event in our QUEER ASYLUM initiative: ‘This is Who I AM’ – LGBTQI+ Experiences of the UK Asylum Process. Performers will read first-hand accounts of the particular challenges faced by LGBTQI+ individuals seeking sanctuary and basic human rights in the UK. The performance will be followed by a panel conversation and Q&A.

Registration is free & required. Please RSVP to receive a zoom link on the day of the event.