The Politics of Solidarity: Gender, Sexuality, and Transnational Organizing

Apr 9, 2013 | 9:00am
Barnard Hall

politics of solidarity image




Gender and sexuality have been central issues for activism and transnational affiliations. At the same time, they are often used by governments and nongovernmental organizations alike to reinforce the very forms of hierarchy and hegemony that activists seek to break down. This teach-in will examine movement building, organizing strategies, and best practices for creating feminist, queer, and anti-racist solidarity politics that challenge, rather than reproduce, global relations of power and inequality. Following the Teach-In, activists from around the world will gather on April 10 and 11 for the Homonationalism and Pinkwashing Conference organized by the Center for Gay and Lesbian Studies at CUNY. BCRW’s teach-in will both help build up to the conversation at the CUNY conference and expand beyond its parameters to explore: indigenous organizing, human rights regimes, South-South alliances, transnational feminist networks, diaspora politics, settler colonialisms, occupation, and more. We will engage praxis from many different scholar-activist fields as we work through the difficulties, dilemmas, and promises of solidarity activism.

Image courtesy of Marjolein Katsma, CC-SA.

This event is free and open to the public. Registration is strongly encouraged, but no one will be turned away. Venue is wheelchair accessible.


9-10 AM | Sulzberger Parlor
Registration and Coffee
10-10:30 AM | Sulzberger Parlor
Opening Remarks
10:30 AM-12 PM
  • Anti-pinkwashing Practices and Movement Building: Critical Dialogues in Solidarity Activism in the Palestine Solidarity Movement
    Natalie Kouri-Towe, Haneen Maikey, and Mikki Stelder
    North Tower
  • The Politics of Gender and Sexualities in Contemporary Southern African Contexts: Transitions
    Jane Bennett
    Sulzberger Parlor
  • Documentary Production as Activism in Palestine: An Organizing Perspective on Cinema and Media Production
    Nadia Awad
    James Room
12-1:30 PM | Sulzberger Parlor
Lunch Break
1:30-3 PM
  • New Feminist Debates: Secularism and the War on Terror
    Svati Shah and Radhika Balakrishnan
    Sulzberger Parlor
  • Decolonizing Queer Praxis: Lessons from Palestine and South Africa
    Alok Vaid–Menon and Haneen Maikey
    North Tower
  • Solidarity with Iran: Transnational Feminist Practices
    Manijeh Nasrabadi and Catherine Sameh
    James Room
3-3:30 PM | Sulzberger Parlor
Afternoon Break
3:30-5 PM | Sulzberger Parlor
Closing Fishbowl