Social Justice Institute
The Social Justice Institute, initiated in 2016, marks the next chapter of BCRW’s commitment to scholar-feminist praxis and accountable exchange with activists and organizations in New York City and beyond. The Social Justice Institute provides multi-year fellowships with financial, research, and other material support to visionary feminist activists and leaders to develop and disseminate their work.
The 2018-2020 cohort includes La Vaughn Belle, Mariame Kaba, CeCe McDonald, and Andrea J. Ritchie.
2018-2020 Cohort
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Social Justice Institute History
Since 2005, BCRW deepened its commitment to scholar-feminist praxis through series of collaborative partnerships with activists, activist-scholars, and community-based organizations and coalitions in New York City and beyond. Our collaborations with these groups and our projects’ outcomes have provided crucial legitimacy for campaigns in their earliest stages. These collaborative projects draw on the resources that BCRW […]
Read MoreInterrupting Criminalization: Research in Action
Interrupting Criminalization: Research in Action is a new initiative of the BCRW Social Justice Institute led by Researchers in Residence Andrea J. Ritchie and Mariame Kaba, launched in fall 2018. Combining participatory research, data analysis, and systemic advocacy, Ritchie and Kaba will work in partnership with local campaigns to identify primary pathways, policing practices, charges, and […]
Read MoreInvisible No More: Resisting Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color in Troubled Times
This conference is the first in a series of events taking place in the midwest, south, and west coast to explore and support ongoing resistance to police violence against Black women and women of color.
Read MoreS&F Conference: Subverting Surveillance: Strategies to End State Violence
This year’s Scholar and Feminist Conference will bring together a broad community of thinkers and organizers to grapple with the ever-deepening penetration of surveillance practices into everyday life, and ways to engage in self-defense against the militarized, racist police state’s demands for constant access in the name of “security” and public order.
Read MoreThe Crisis of Criminalization: A Call for a Comprehensive Philanthropic Response
This report calls for immediate, concerted, comprehensive, sustained, cross-sector, collaborative philanthropic response to the growing crisis of criminalization, and outlines strategies to more effectively tackle criminalization and mass incarceration, to stop the spread of surveillance and punishment, and to meet the challenges of the current political climate.
Read MoreImmigrants and Refugees Are Welcome Here: A Resource Guide for Service Providers Working with Immigrants who are LGBTQ, Sex Workers, and/or HIV-Positive
This resource guide is intended for service providers to improve their competency to better assist clients in these dangerous times, and reduce secondary traumas in their practice. It is intended as a living document to be used and adapted based on feedback from clients, community members, activists, and service providers, as well as changes to our political landscape.
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Survived and Punished
Survived and Punished is among a network of groups organizing defense campaigns to free criminalized survivors of violence like Paris Knox, Bresha Meadows, Marissa Alexander, Cherelle Baldwin, and Alisha Walker, and support them upon their release. These campaigns lift up people's right to defend their lives and survive without being punished.
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