Clare Hemmings: Emma Goldman’s Struggles for Utopia

In the annual Natalie Boymel Kampen Memorial Lecture in Feminist Criticism and History, Clare Hemmings delivers a lecture titled “Emma Goldman’s Struggles for Utopia: Feminism and Ambivalence.” Emma Goldman (anarchist activist and thinker) was a life-long believer in anarchist revolution and the importance of prefigurative engagement with utopian ways of living that such revolution would […]

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anarchism, Emma Goldman, feminism

Lehman Auditorium, 3009 Broadway, New York, NY 10027
Apr 18, 2018 | 6:00PM

Emma Goldman’s Struggles for Utopia: Feminism and Ambivalence

Clare Hemmings

Clare Hemmings will explore 20th century anarchist Emma Goldman conflicting views on gender, sexuality, race, and the means to bring about a political revolution. Hemmings shows that these are not contradictions but offerings for means of thinking through current dilemmas and power relations, and living through uncertainties.

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anarchism, Emma Goldman, feminism, utopia