The Lack of Political Representation for Intersecting Identities
The theoretical purpose of neoliberalism is to facilitate trade between nations, so as “to maximize profits and efficiency.” With the growth of neoliberal capitalism in the world economy, private ownership has increased and taken away much of the public sphere. The lack of public accountability, argues Lisa Duggan, author of “After Neoliberalism? From Crisis to Organizing for Queer Economic Justice,” has severely hindered democracy. As a result, “we’ve been encouraged to believe that the private economy is more efficient and reliable than public action.” Those who lack substantial private property must rely on governmental support that is rapidly being transferred into the hands of the private sector, creating entrenched systems of dominance.
Activists protesting the NYC LGBT Center following the Center’s decision to cancel the Israeli Apartheid Week’s event of 2011 and to no longer allow Siege Busters to meet in the Center’s space
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