Black Feminist Left Internationalism

Featuring Cheryl Higashida, Mariame Kaba, and John Munro, this panel examines the radical anti-racist, anti-colonial, socialist internationalist, and feminist visions of social change, that Mary Helen Washington terms “Black Left Feminism.” Cheryl Higashida, Mariame Kaba, and John Munro discuss key intellectuals, organizers, and artists in this internationalist tradition. They consider how Black Marxist feminists like Louise Thompson Patterson, Claudia Jones, Lorraine Hansberry and others confronted racism, patriarchy, capitalism, and imperialism in their own times. Panelists explore how the anticolonial Left survived the Cold War. They will suggest how new generations of antiracists, feminists, and socialists might engage this rich political tradition in our own times. Moderated by Jordan T. Camp.

This panel was recorded at the conference Global Radicalism: Solidarity, Internationalism, and Feminist Futures held on September 22, 2018 at The People’s Forum in NYC. For more information, visit the event page.