Moving at the Speed of Trust: Disability Justice and Transformative Justice

Featuring Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha and Elliott Fukui, with Darryn Hollifield and Natalie Cuddy, ASL interpretation. Introduction by Hope Dector.

“Disabled folks have never been able to rely on the systems that are in place or those systems have been incredibly harmful to us.” – Elliott Fukui

In response to heightened levels of abuse and violence experienced by people with disabilities, disability justice organizers have developed tremendous knowledge and creative approaches to care, safety, and preventing and stopping violence without relying on the state. How do disability justice strategies and knowledge inform transformative justice practices? How are disability justice and transformative justice interconnected?

“What would our transformative justice work look like if we put everyone’s access needs at the center?” – Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, in “Cripping TJ,” an essay in the groundbreaking new collection Beyond Survival co-edited with Ejeris Dixon

How is anti-ableism essential to transformative justice? How do we start with the shared values of self-determination and the belief that no one is disposable to build capacity for personal and societal transformation?

Live transcript (PDF) available here.

Slide deck (PDF) by Elliott and Leah featuring important definitions, notes, and frameworks for today’s conversation available here.