What Does Justice Look Like for Survivors?

Featuring Mimi Kim, Ann Russo, RJ Maccani, and Rachel Herzing.

Writer Kai Cheng Thom suggests that justice is “a slow process of naming and transforming violence into growth and repair.” In this video, survivors and people who work with them explore how transformative justice can offer hope for healing and repair. At the core of their reflections is the question of what justice looks like when survivors of harm are given the time and space to imagine it.

Join us for an online discussion on Friday, April 10, 2020 at 4pm EST. More information is available here: bcrw.barnard.edu/event/moving-at-the-speed-of-trust-disability-and-transformative-justice/

This video is part of the Building Accountable Communities video series. The Building Accountable Communities Project promotes non-punitive responses to harm by developing resources for transformative justice practitioners and organizing convenings and workshops that educate the public.

Created by Project Nia and the Barnard Center for Research on Women. Video produced by Mariame Kaba, Dean Spade, and Hope Dector.