New Zines from the Women of Color Zine Symposium
This time, librarian Jenna Freedman attended the Women of Color Zine Symposiumand came home with a variety of awesome finds, including:
- A crafty zine by a pregnant Korean-American librarian
- A discussion of dieting, sex, dating, fashion, hair, sluttiness and the sacred whore by a graduate student and mother
- A look at student loan debt and Hurricane Katrina
- Several zines on racism, sexism and harassment in the Occupy movement and mainstream feminism, Indigenous People’s Day, and the earthquake in Japan
…and more! One zine, Emi Koyama‘s Understanding the Complexities of Sex Work/Trade and Trafficking : a Companion Reader to War on Terror & War on Trafficking, is even available as a free PDF online. Check out the full list of new acquisitions over at Jenna’s post.