Event Oval, The Diana Center, Barnard College
December 1, 2023 | 9:30 AM-8:30 PM

Ella Baker for the 21st Century: National One Day Symposium

Keynote by Angela Davis and Barbara Ransby

Presented by BCRW and the Institute for Research in African American Studies, Columbia University In honor of the 20th anniversary of the publication of Ella Baker and the Black Radical Tradition by Barbara Ransby, this day-long symposium will feature a keynote conversation by Angela Davis and Barbara Ransby, panels with nationally recognized scholars, and a celebratory reception with […]

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Ella Baker

Call for Submissions: Rage, Struggle, Freedom

Jun 7, 2023

Call for Submissions The Scholar and Feminist Online Rage, Struggle, Freedom: Politics of Hope and Love Margo Okazawa-Rey and Elif Sarican, Guest Editors Deadline to Submit October 2, 2023 The Scholar and Feminist Online is pleased to invite you to submit your work to our first-ever open call for a special issue on transnational feminist […]

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Call for papers, Scholar and Feminist Online

Kasturi Ray (Professor of Women and Gender Studies, San Francisco State University, BC '89) and Julietta Hua (Professor of Women and Gender Studies, San Francisco State University)

Choice or Chance?

Aug 18, 2022

Driving is a form of intimate service work and reproductive labor that extracts the liveliness of drivers for the benefit of the passengers who become consumers of their labor. Even more importantly, this labor is ultimately accumulated as national and corporate wealth, under historical regimes of gender, race, class, nation, work and ableism.  Spent Behind […]

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Nov 10, 2022 / 7:00pm EST / 4:00pm PST

Abolish Mandatory Reporting and Family Policing

A conversation with Erin Miles Cloud, Jasmine Wali, and Shannon Perez-Darby moderated by Dean Spade

How do movements for abolition of mandatory reporting and family policing intersect with larger movements for abolition of the criminal legal system?

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Apr 26, 2022 | 7pm ET / 4pm PT

Organizing Transformative Justice Responses to Gender-based Violence and Campus Sexual Violence

Xhercis Méndez in conversation with Dean Spade

Live transcription is available here. Resources mentioned during the conversation: – transformharm.org (online resource hub) – Fumbling Towards Repair (workbook by Mariame Kaba and Shira Hassan) – Building Accountable Communities (transformative justice video series) – What is Transformative Justice? (video) – Podmapping Worksheet (by Mia Mingus for the BATJC) As university campuses struggle to meet […]

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accountability, transformative justice

Building Capacity for Mutual Aid Groups (Workshop 3): Skills for Abolitionist Practice

A workshop with Dean Spade on giving and receiving feedback in mutual aid groups.

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Abolition, Dean Spade, mutual aid

Jan 20, 2022 | 7:00PM

Building Capacity for Mutual Aid Groups (Workshop 4): Bringing New People into the Work

Dean Spade

How do we recruit more people to our groups, help them get deeply plugged in and feel co-stewardship of the work? How do we create and maintain supportive group culture as new people join? How do we set shared expectations and help new members build skills for accountability in the work? This workshop is part […]

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mutual aid

Dec 9, 2021 | 7:00PM

Building Capacity for Mutual Aid Groups (Workshop 3): Skills for Abolitionist Practice

Dean Spade

A workshop with Dean Spade about giving and receiving feedback in mutual aid groups. Slides Poll results Resources Workshop template – slide deck template to put on a workshop about group culture and feedback in your mutual aid group (Google slideshow) Turning Toward Each Other: A Conflict Workbook In It Together – a new workbook/toolkit […]

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mutual aid

Nov 11, 2021 | 7:00PM

Building Capacity for Mutual Aid Groups (Workshop 2): Decision-Making

Dean Spade

A workshop on planning and making decisions together in mutual aid groups. This workshop is part of a series of four. Links to additional workshops in the series are below. Slides Poll results Resources Dean Spade: Facilitating Conversations about Capacity in Mutual Aid Groups (video) Dean Spade: Burnout in Mutual Aid Groups (video) Building Capacity […]

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mutual aid

Oct 28, 2021 | 7:00PM

Building Capacity for Mutual Aid Groups (Workshop 1): No Masters, No Flakes!

Dean Spade

A workshop on group culture, capacity, overwork, procrastination, and perfectionism in mutual aid groups.

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mutual aid

Transformative Justice in the Apocalypse: Beyond Survival One Year Later

Featuring Ejeris Dixon, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, RJ Maccani, YaliniDream, Woods Ervin, and India Harris. Moderated by Kenyon Farrow.

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Tune in online
Mar 11, 2021 | 7:00PM

Transformative Justice in the Apocalypse: Beyond Survival One Year Later

Ejeris Dixon, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, RJ Maccani, India Harris, YaliniDream, and Woods Ervin, moderated by Kenyon Farrow

What are the tools, conversations, and actions we need to take in this moment of transformative justice and abolition work?

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transformative justice