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deux “magots” or “maggots”?

In Éloge de la Créolité, Jean Bernabé, Patrick Chamoiseau, and Raphaël Confiant explains that, “‘Creoleness is not monolingual. Nor is it multilingualism divided into isolated compartments. Its field is language. Its appetite: all the languages of the world'”. They continue to explain how, “…the multilingualism of the poetics of Relation brings languages together without blending them, which is precisely what Shange does in A Daughter’s Geography; hence Glissant’s emphasis on creaolization as distinct from creoleness helps us to understand Shange’s shying away from actual New World creoles” (Spyra 789). I am interested in this idea of “bringing languages together without blending them” as we have been taught to think of America as a “melting pot”.