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2 Articles

Creation is everything you do make something




With this compelling order, I set out to create a zine.

During my reading of Sassafrass, Cypress and Indigo, I underwent a series of deeply personal transformations that I wanted to document. I became interested in creating a zine as an archival document. In it, I have included pieces of poetry and stories that I have written as well as pieces written by Shange herself. Creating a zine was a way that I could engage with the work in both tactile and spiritual ways and it illuminated some new aspects of what an archival process means. This archival process sometimes meant reading old love letters aloud. Or cutting out clippings from brochures I had been keeping as souvenirs from significant events.

My guidelines for creating a zine:

  • Everything you do: to walk, and speak, and touch.
  • Make something: rely upon the imagination, engage with memory, insert pieces of yourself into all that you do

The zine has come to life in its own way. It is an embodiment of places, things, memories. It is an ongoing project that I am using to explore different ways of creating literature, encapsulating memory, and fracturing the static notion of time. It has also pushed me to further interrogate the process of engaging with the personal as political and vice versa. How can my personal, intimate interactions with the world be mobilized as political tools?

This process of blending the personal and the political is a prominent aspect of Shange’s work. In this effort, Shange has often mobilized the feminine — imposing it upon the realms of art, politics, movement building and organizing. This isn’t merely a gratuitous mechanism aimed at making a “feminist” gesture, any feminist gesture, but a revelatory process. One that uncovers the deeply feminine impulses behind Black resistance, activism, and healing. These feminine impulses are situated in Black women’s knowledge and world-making practices. How we have learned to grow and survive relies upon the ways in which Black women have practiced knowledge and world-making through their crafting, cooking, singing, dancing, loving, birthing, mothering etc.

For me, a zine presents the possibility to build on the practice of creating and resisting via intimacy and the personal.


This podcast, by BCRW Research Assistant Michelle Chen, discusses the radical (anti white supremacist, anti classist, anti racist) feminist ideology from which zines have emerged.

“The Power of Craft”

The power of  combining the mind and the body to create.

To do — to make do.

The power of the mind, the eye, the hand and the heart

To make the original connections. 

TO create what is needed: a fire, a pot, a hoe, a knife,

A cup, shelter, cloth, tools.

To grasp

The significance of the power of craft 

Is to be eager to create a whole life. 


I found this in a Womanspirit publishing that was released during the Summer solstice 1982 while looking through the Barnard Center for Research on Women archives. The piece describes craft as a process that often melds the spirit and body to the object being created. The crafting process diverges from professionalized forms of creating art and is intuitively resistant to mass-production and manufacturing, making it inaccessible to commercialist impulses of capitalism. “The mind and the hand of the creator is part of the end product — “the spirit” of a work is apparent because of these unbroken connections.” (25).

Zines embody the spirit of craft in these feminine, anti-capitalist intuitions.

Ready, Set, Search!

Larry Neal as a teacher. Image from the Schomburg Photo division

Our next class will be with Steven Fullwood from the Schomburg, but in our usual classroom on campus.  In preparation for his visit, I’d like you to do an archive assignment that encourages you to use the finding aids we’ve gotten in the past few weeks. You can locate the assignment along with the relevant finding aides in Courseworks (Archival materials folder). Below is my attempt at doing the assignment, so you can get a sense of what I’m looking for. You don’t need to blog your answers, but please do write them down on the assignment sheet.



1). Identify one Schomburg COLLECTION that you might want to review. (The suggested collections list supplied by Steven is in Courseworks).

Collection name and call number: Larry Neal Papers, Sc MG 344

What, if any, restrictions are on this collection? None that I can find

What is interesting to you about the Collection? Larry Neale was an important theorist of BAM who was in Harlem about the same time Shange was at Barnard and published an edition of Zora Neale Hurston’s autobiography, which suggests he didn’t entirely ignore women wroters. He also was specifically interested in music and theater and wrote about some of the same musicians Shange cites.

2). Identify ONE item from the Schomburg archives that you might want to see (it can be in the collection chosen in #1 or not)

Item Name: The Rise of the Black Consciousness in the 70’s

Give series, sub-series and item number if available b. 21 f. 2

Why did you pick this item?  This seems to be both about the 70s and written in the 70s, so I’m interested to see if this unpublished essay speaks to what was going on artistically/politically when Shange was working on for colored girls. 

3). Identify ONE item from the Ntozake Shange papers that you might want to examine. (The Pathfinder and Collection list are in Courseworks)

Item Name/Title: Flyers for “Ntozake Shange Poetess” at Experience II-Nu’s Black Coffee House in Boston

Give Box and Folder #s: Box 24; folder 3

Why did you pick this item? I was intrigued by the gendered/obsolete “poetess” in the title and am wondering if “Black Coffee House” is also related to some kind of blackness. Since its a flyer, it might be visually interesting as well.

4). Identify ONE item not from the Schomburg or Ntozake Shange papers.

Item Name: I Heard Eric Dolphy in His Eyes 1988

Archive: NYPL Billy Rose Collection

Collection: Circle Repertory Company Papers

Call #, box or other location information: b. 266 f. 7

Why did you pick this item? It says that it’s an unpublished script “with evaluation.” Interested in seeing an unfiltered response to a work in its early stages.

5). What did you discover about the search engines and finding aides while doing this assignment?

Ntozake is occasionally spelled Ntosake! Also, the search by date function is very useful.

6). What were your frustrations in completing this assignment?

Sometimes the NYPL search engine is very slow and I don’t seem to be able to duplicate searches very well. For example, I wrote down the call number of an item, but not the title, went back to the same collection and couldn’t find the item.