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Adjustments for this week

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Ladies, I hope you are feeling supported during this difficult time. I am in the middle of consulting with the Digital Humanities Center about the final assignment and plan to reach out to you soon (possibly late tonight [Sunday] regarding alternatives and possibilities for completing the semester.

I’ll  share with you some of my challenges in handling this. I’m at somewhat of a loss here and don’t feel able to adjudicate individual situations.  On a personal level, there is no one-size-fits-all response to community crisis.  Some people find it difficult to concentrate in such a time; others find throwing themselves into a task or project to be a source of equilibrium.  They are equally valid and not necessarily based on how close one is to heart of the loss.   The other challenge is institutional: I feel like each of you at this point has clearly learned enough about Ntozake Shange and her “worlds” to do well. Most of you have felt your way through some of the archive.  However, the course fulfills a “thinking digitally” foundations requirement and that is (mostly) made manifest in the final Scalar project.  I can give you blanket extensions, but some of you also need some closure for this semester.

These are what I am thinking through and will get back to you!